The refund will have to take place at the latest within the deadline (5) working days from the date that you will receive the products. In this case you are only charged the immediate refund cost of the products.

The product to be returned will have to be in the same condition in which you have received it, that is without having been unsealed or having its packaging been violated, in the same way before its disposal, in its complete original packaging just as it was delivered to you by the transportation company.

In order for the refund to be accepted the original purchase document (retail receipt, invoice) has to be exhibited.

Refunds of products that are ordered by the customer are accepted. That is products that are cut in the measures of the client, such as rope, net, nylon, screen, burlap, canvas etc.

In the case of refund-replacement, you can choose some other product. If you do not desire another product, we will process your request as soon as possible and we will inform you via e-mail or telephone for the way of its processing.

Since all the refund of products conditions are fulfilled, we will return you the net value of the order, minus the transportation costs, within 5 working days from the date that we will receive the products. The money refund will be realized with a bank account deposit.

Cancellation of Order

For the cancellation of your order you will have to inform us immediately before it is sent because in another case you will be charges with the transportation costs.


The final order delivery time depends on the technical features of each order. We will immediately contact you if any items of your order are not available.

There are some cases in which it is possible the stock is exhausted.

The largest amount of orders that are registered on working days and until 12:00 are shipped on the same day, since they are available. The orders that will be registered on Friday noon until Sunday night are executed from Monday morning. The order delivery time is from 1-5 working days depending on the region of delivery.


If in any case for purposes of force majeure(such as bad weather conditions, pandemics, epidemics or strikes) the completion of the order to be shipped is not possible within the predefined time, for which we are bound, we will contact you and hear your final request about the completion of your order.


Discover the appropriate packaging for your product!



Immediate shipment of the order



Free shipment for orders over 60€ +VAT


Rest of Greece

Free shipment for orders over 100€ + VAT

77 77

years of operation

In the area of packaging

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